
EUDR: National Committee Seeks Emergency In Cocoa Sector

The National Cocoa Management Committee (NCMC) has called for an emergency in the sector in the need to align with the European Union’s Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) environmental standards and to enable them tap into carbon credit funds. 

a move that is crucial for maintaining Nigeria’s cocoa export to the EU. 

This move is crucial for maintaining Nigeria’s cocoa export to the EU and  market access to ensure the sustainability of Nigeria’s cocoa industry in the face of global environmental regulations.

The committee, chaired by Engr. A. G. Abubakar also highlighted the urgent need for legislative backing, funding, and the implementation of a national traceability system to meet the EUDR targets.

At a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security in Abuja, Abubakar who was represented by the secretary, Dr Patrick Adebola said that the committee has been instrumental in coordinating the cocoa sector, which previously suffered from a lack of regulation.

Despite these efforts, NCMC said it has faced significant hurdles, including insufficient funding and the absence of a legislative framework. 

To combat these issues, the committee has proposed measures such as; securing funding for NCMC operations, strengthening the NCMC to evolve into a National Cocoa Board, akin to those in Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, and Cameroon and implementing the 10-year National Cocoa Plan (2023-2032).

Other proposed solutions brought forward at the include; establishing a central national cocoa database for traceability and certification purposes and conduction of Nigeria’s EUDR preparedness assessment check as requested by the EU representative, Mr. Rikard Nordeman. 

Earlier, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Abubakar Kyari  expressed confidence in the NCMC’s ability to implement the national cocoa plan. 

Addressing the EUDR concerns, the minister  assured that the ministry would support the EU in conducting Nigeria’s EUDR preparedness assessment check. 

The  minister particularly urged the NCMC to diligently work towards achieving the objectives set forth for the betterment of Nigeria’s cocoa industry.

 He expressed his belief in the committee’s commitment to service and the pivotal role it will play in strengthening the sector with the Ministry’s backing.


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